Every year we get a staggering number of people wondering what to get their musically inclined friends and family members. Here's a few ideas that we can help with.
1. For the Beginner

2. For the experienced
We do our best to accommodate for players of all skill levels. But around this time of the year, it's hard for a lot of friends and family to buy for the more experienced musician who already looks like they have it all. Or a musician that wants something or usually uses a particular brand of string or accessory, but you don't want to ask for the sake of being a dead giveaway to what your gift plans are. Enter our solution to your plight - gift certificates. Pay us in cash or card any amount, and we will write up a certificate for you to give, to be used at any time. You don't have to know the specifics, just let them buy what they KNOW they want!
3. For the Curious or Not-so-local
Musicians are a curious bunch. Guitar players picking up drums, drummers picking up bass, bass players picking up all the blame every time something goes wrong (kidding.) And then there are those musicians that are out of the area, but you still want to be able to give them something that will pique their interest.
Years ago we introduced Ace Music Digital Academy -- an online solution
to music related instructional material. We always mention this as
something to check out around this time of the year, as they offer a
"Give as Gift" purchase, and this year is no exception. We've had people buy and
download items around the world. And there's material for all skill
levels, instruments, and styles of music. Click here to see what's
4. More for the beginner
We're all for new people starting out, and we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the best way to do that - with lessons! We offer discounts on lessons for siblings/family, and advance paid students (often for a month but we will gladly alter that.) We always offer half off the first lesson to see if the student is truly interested in learning (kids can be a little misleading) and we do our best to work around your schedule. Our times since we moved to Shippensburg have rapidly been filling up, but we still have some early afternoon and after school times, as well as Saturday availability. See our lesson's availability calendar on our website here.
5. For the Guitar Player's Girlfriend
Or wife, or girl that put him in the friendzone. Or you know... just general female guitar enthusiast. Maybe she likes the aesthetic of the instrument, or maybe she plays herself. We've got something for her too - String Thing Jewelry. These are pieces of gorgeous jewelry that are made with guitar strings, occasionally picks as well. We specify that the jewelry we currently have (several beaded string bracelets) is for women, as the only jewelry designed with guys in mind has already been purchased. But hey, if you're a guy and you're into it, more power to you. We've still got a few available for $25, so pick one up today. Great stocking stuffers!
We're all for new people starting out, and we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the best way to do that - with lessons! We offer discounts on lessons for siblings/family, and advance paid students (often for a month but we will gladly alter that.) We always offer half off the first lesson to see if the student is truly interested in learning (kids can be a little misleading) and we do our best to work around your schedule. Our times since we moved to Shippensburg have rapidly been filling up, but we still have some early afternoon and after school times, as well as Saturday availability. See our lesson's availability calendar on our website here.
5. For the Guitar Player's Girlfriend
Or wife, or girl that put him in the friendzone. Or you know... just general female guitar enthusiast. Maybe she likes the aesthetic of the instrument, or maybe she plays herself. We've got something for her too - String Thing Jewelry. These are pieces of gorgeous jewelry that are made with guitar strings, occasionally picks as well. We specify that the jewelry we currently have (several beaded string bracelets) is for women, as the only jewelry designed with guys in mind has already been purchased. But hey, if you're a guy and you're into it, more power to you. We've still got a few available for $25, so pick one up today. Great stocking stuffers!
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